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Forgotten Angels (#102)

The Forgotten Angels is a local charity that focuses on the elderly in nursing homes.
The ‘Angels’ began in 2003. After a year of loss in our family we decided that we needed to give back. What started out as a small gesture grew into a charity and a ‘labor of love.’ We have been working with the Activities Directors of the nursing homes to provide and deliver Christmas gifts to residents who may otherwise not receive a gift. In 2019, the Forgotten Angels were able to provide Christmas gifts to over 3,000 residents.
This is a year-long endeavor. The Forgotten Angels also provide items that help in the daily lives of the residents (i.e. snacks, puzzle books, games, bingo prizes, health & beauty aids, etc.) and visitations when possible. We want to assist the staff of the local nursing homes in any way possible. We have always realized that the elderly really are the forgotten population. Many fine and deserving charities exist for great causes such as children, pets, the homeless, veterans, and many more. Very few charities are focused on what we consider to be our greatest calling – the elderly of Northeast Florida.
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